Hugo Guide



Hugo is a huge potato. You can go potato with this character because of huge damage, safe clap traps, armor moves, long range normals, 4 overheads, 0 frame ultra, an insane EX Back Breaker anti air, and just the ability to strike fear to the opponent. All these things I mentioned sound great but Hugo is still labeled as the "Z warrior" tier character because he so huge and getting in is literally a "BIG problem" for him against certain characters. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL!!

This guide will talk about just raw game plan, strategy, and some technical stuff but all in all there is not much to learn... just therapy for the struggling potato...


Definition of Terms:
lp = Light Punch
mp = Medium Punch
hp = Heavy Punch
lk = Light Kick
mk = Medium Kick
hk = Heavy Kick
(cl.) = Close Standing
(st.) = Standing
(cr.) = Crouching
(j.) = Jumping
UT = Ultra Throw
BB = Back Breaker
MS = Moonsault Press
THE STRUGGLE (it's real)

1st important thing in using Hugo is go in and get close, but because Hugo is big and slow getting in is a huge problem especially when facing a zoner type character, unless you're fighting a character that has to come close to you then there would be no problem lol. You need  to be at least where Hugo's can reach the opponent for Hugo to be a threat, from this range you can do clap traps or footsie with practically any normal Hugo has. Not only are you threat on the ground from Hugo's range but you are also a threat in the air because if you have good reactions you can punish the opponent's jump back with a Back Breaker for free.
So definitely you are gonna get hit just trying to get in, luckily Hugo has the most health in the game so even though you get hit going in you should still try walk it off and still keep pushing because if you imagine the amount of damage Hugo can do compared to getting hit by a few pokes and fireballs. You can deal with fireballs with:
  •  neutral jumping and slow walking
  •  mid screen jumping (jumping  over fireballs but not close enough to get anti aired)
  • "down, down + mk" which is considered an airborne jump attack so it goes through fireballs if timed correctly
  • Focus Attack absorbing through single hit fireballs (good for building that extra meter)
    note: don't abuse, you might end up wasting your life
2nd important thing in using Hugo is meter. You can save up for super if you want because Hugo's super does a ton of damage, but if chances of landing the super is not in your favor that's okay because Hugo has really good EX moves which can also help Hugo ease the struggle. Whiffing claps are a good way of building meter while moving in close, you can also use it in negating fireballs if you time it correctly.
  • EX Lariat - has infinite armor until you reach the opponent, its a good move if you are willing to spend 1 meter to get in right away, it's not safe on block though, so use it when you're sure to plow though something
  • EX Back Breaker -  this is great anti air move because it will grab ANYTHING considered to be in the air, even a back dash and that's no joke
  •  EX Ultra Throw - best Hugo command grab, it's faster than the normal one and does less damage but the range of this move is a bit farther than his light Moonsault Press 360 command grab

 Ultra Throw is your "go to" command grab instead of Moonsault Press command grab unless you're going for a quick punish or when the time of need comes. Ultra Throw does the most damage thanks to it's juggle ability to combo with, which is "Ultra Throw > lp.Clap > lk.Back Breaker". Not only does this combo do easy extreme damage but builds you 1 FULL BAR METER instantly after you land it and not only that! you get a free safe set up after it too.... so let that sink in

coming soon...

coming soon...

coming soon...


  1. Ahhhhh. I can't wait for the rest of this. The struggle is beyond real.

  2. Finish this please. Just finished top TOP SIX in a tournament.

  3. Finish this please. Just finished top TOP SIX in a tournament.
